22.5 C
Dublin, ireland
Sunday, May 12, 2024

What Can RunIreland.com Do For You?

RunIreland.com focuses on Irish events so your race will not get lost in a list of international events.

RunIreland.com had 1.8 million page views, 312,884 unique visitors  & 194,987 repeat visitors. ( Jan – Sept 2017).

Events are easy to find and automatically listed on the homepage and calendar page on the site.

The quality of the editorial and news feeds on RunIreland ensures regular repeat visits.

Each Race is given its own web page – a bonus for smaller events who do not have their own website.

Google rankings for events tend to show up from the RunIreland event page rather than the official event website.

Every single enquiry is responded to in person and re-directed to the race director where relevant – automated responses are not used.

Google Maps, video, photos of your event included on your event page

Featured race facility on the home page of the site.

Assistance available for race organisers including web design, logo design, online marketing, event management consultancy, finish line gantry hire etc.

Paid advertising packages can be tailored to suit all levels of budget and event size to include both Run Ireland website advertising and promotion on our social media channels.( 20k + Social Following).

To find out how we can help you put your event in front of the running community in Ireland please email [email protected]

Race Registration

How can I set up online registration with RunIreland.com?

RunIreland.com has partnered with njuko.com to deliver the best and easiest registration & race management technology for you and your race participants. Please email [email protected] to get started with online registration.

Adding Content to RunIreland

How can I add my event to your race calendar?

You can add your event to the calendar by clicking here

How can I add news to Runireland.com?

Click on this link to add news:
Please make sure to fill in all fields and add a logo or picture (landscape orientation)

How can I advertise my race results?

Click on this link to post results. Again please include a picture or race logo.

How can I arrange for my event to be featured in the RunIreland.com monthly newsletter of upcoming events?

If your event is listed on our free listing then it is automatically included in the ezine listing for that period. This newsletter goes out to over 50,000 subscribers monthly. If you wish to upgrade from a simple listing to paid featured race advert in the ezine, please email [email protected]

How do I arrange to advertise on the site?

We have a number of options for advertising on the site across all pages. Our Home, Enter Races and Calendar pages are our most popular destinations for visitors to the site with a number of advert locations on each page.  Paid advertising starts from as little as €150 per month with options on discounted packages for multiple advert placings or multiple months advertising available.  For more information on the options available please contact [email protected]